The most admired typefaces by world-renowned designers

If you could use just eight typefaces, which would you choose?

How to be the jerk on your design team

When you’re working on your own, there’s a sense of freedom to do things your way on your time. However, if you’re working as part of a design team, it’s easy for personalities to clash.

The truth about the funny little lies designers tell their clients

Clients, while a necessary evil, are part of a designer’s life. Sure, they make up excuses to try to get cheaper work. And yes, they often make ridiculous demands. But designers don’t always tell their clients the truth either.

The top 10 fonts designers love to hate. Is your on the list?

There are certain fonts that designers love to hate for one reason or another—either due to their overuse or ugliness. Sometimes it’s because of just a few characters; sometimes it’s the whole design.

Price your creative jobs with 5 simple questions

Like most creatives, you’re probably undervaluing the work you do. Maybe it’s because you don’t want to scare off a potential client, you’re trying to compete with other designers, or you’re just not sure how.

Get 750 free icons released by Google

Here’s a freebie for all you designers out there. The Google Design team have released open-sourced icons as part of the Material Design system icons pack.

Why designers don’t need to be told how to do their job

When design-illiterate executives get involved in the design process, it’s never a good thing. Designers often face this unavoidable scenario; various individuals wanting to contribute their two cents’ worth in the design process.

What’s your designer star sign?

According to Creative Director Liza Enebeis, there are 12 types of designers out there. To do this, she consults her inner Zodiac to bring you your designer star sign. Find yours and discover what it has to offer.