Is your office suffering from ‘telephonophobia’?

Many people share a fear of phone calls, indicating that telephonophobia is becoming increasingly prevalent - especially in the workplace.

Gen Z’s no longer giving the ‘thumbs-Up’ on these 10 emojis

Gen Z offered up 10 emojis that they would like to see removed and never used again.

How to handle different types of difficult customers

If you own your own business or work in sales or marketing, you’ve likely run into a challenging customer at one point or another. While every buyer is different and has unique needs and wants, if you understand a few key types of customers you…

How to uncover brilliant ideas when brainstorming

Coming up with smart, fresh new ideas or marketing campaigns isn’t easy. And when your job requires churning them out on a daily basis, it isn’t hard to hit a mental wall. And while brainstorming is essential to your success, learning how to uncover brilliant ideas…

What to do during downtime at work

Downtime is a rare thing in most workplaces, but there’s a good chance you’ll experience a slow day every once in a while.

What are the work habits of Millennials that form the majority of the workforce?

As more and more Millennials entering the workforce and assume management positions, you may notice changes in workplace culture. Why? Because there are distinct differences between generational work styles, expectations, and career perspectives.

17 signs your colleague hates you

Your coworkers can make or break your work experience. Hence, friendly, collaborative coworkers create a great team environment. Conversely, an argumentative and generally unpleasant colleague makes your life way more difficult.

10 workplace incentives top designers want

If you’re anything like most people, you’ve fantasized about the perfect workplace. Maybe you imagined eating prime rib at your desk while surrounded by brilliant colleagues. Or you dreamed of working at home office instead of being stuck in rush hour traffic with the other poor saps.

How creatives spend an average day

There’s no argument anymore. Neuroscience confirms that highly creative people think and act differently than the average person. Their brains are literally hardwired in a unique way. So what is it like to lead a creative life?

Do your weird writing habits relate to those of famous authors?

Everyone has their own unique habits that help them to be more creative. Here are some from famous writers.

5 habits that make you look unprofessional

Do one or more of your colleagues behave unprofessionally at work, leaving you to question how they even still have a job? We’re all creatures of habit and it’s hard to change the behaviours we’ve become accustomed to. But like I’m sure your mother said, “There’s a time…

Learn how to leave work early with these 6 tips

Where’s the worst place you can possibly be at 4 pm on a Friday? The office, of course.