A limited-edition bicycle made from 300 recycled Nespresso coffee pods

These limited-edition bicycles use the aluminum garnered from used Nespresso coffee pods.

This colour-reflecting survival jacket is made of 2 billion glass spheres

Mimicking the adaptive skin of a squid, this jacket can reflect colours when exposed to light.

Amazon criticized for new non-recyclable packaging

Environmentally conscious shoppers have started complaining about Amazon’s use of plastic packaging.

The creative winners of the 2019 A’ Design Awards

Winning submissions include industrial design, architecture, product design, and more.

Instagram hack supposedly fools the algorithm to boost engagement

if you’re not happy with the reach your photos receive on Instagram, try this rumoured hack.

UK regulator banned Volkswagen ad for being ‘sexist’

Commercials from Volkswagen and Philadelphia Cream Cheese have been banned by new UK regulations.

Keep cool on the go with Sony’s wearable air conditioner

About the size of a small wallet, this portable device will keep you cool in the summer and warm in the winter.

Adieu Smalls: The world’s first cat-inspired font

Adieu Smalls is a cat-inspired font created as part of a campaign for natural cat food subscription service Smalls.

Digital megaliths rise from ruins of a Japanese bathhouse

Megaliths in the Bath House Ruins is comprised of column-like structures that appear to burst out of the floor.

New Zealand City Council defends $98K smiley face rebrand

The Porirua City logo is described by the Taxpayers' Union as a "limp and childlike smiley face."

These Converse shoes start changing colours in sunlight

The UV-activated sneakers have the same classic Chuck Taylor All-Star design you'll recognize.

12 fun pet side hustles for pet-preneurs

Did you know that you can make a surprisingly decent amount of supplementary income working with pets?