Useless plastic NoPhone curbs smartphone addiction

According to Occam’s razor, the simplest solutions are oft the best. And when trying to ease smartphone addiction, it couldn’t possibly get simpler than the NoPhone. This 100% water resistant phone-shaped device is essentially a rectangular plastic slab. What does it do? Absolutely nothing save act as surrogate…

How to help avoid a hangover

Ask any expert, and they’ll tell you that the best way to avoid a hangover is to lay off the booze. Or just stay drunk, your call. To fend off the nausea, headache, dizziness, and general misery that often follows an intense night of drinking, check out this infographic…

10 lesser-known facts about creative thinkers

Creativity and ingenuity are what drive humanity forward. But did you know that creative thinkers tend to have more complex and intricate minds than most people? We perceive the world differently. Our unconventional natures make us seem a little crazy, intriguing, and even make us admired by our…

Powerful ads feature animals tied up like garbage bags

An argument can be made that in order to deserve respect from other humans, you need to be human. However, with peoples deep love for animals, it raises fundamental questions about the basis of moral rights. 

Puzzle book requires solving each page before reading

The downside to finding a really good book is that it’s over before you want it to be. But that won’t be the case with this five page book. That’s because you’ll need to solve a complex mechanical puzzle on each page before you can turn to the…

Ride in style with hologram-like display for bicycle wheels

Do enjoy riding your bicycle? I’ve previously done a few posts on bike technology that you should check out; like Poland’s glow-in-the-dark bicycle path or even the world’s first spokeless smart bike. But if you want to stay safe when biking at night or in the evening and want…

From the creators of ‘Exploding Kittens’ comes ‘Bears VS Babies’

Matthew Inman may not be a household name, but you might know The Oatmeal, a webcomic that he created. Last year, he teamed up with game designer Elan Lee to create Exploding Kittens; a card game that became the most backed Kickstarter campaign ever. Well, they’re back with a brand new…

Poland unveils glow-in-the-dark bicycle path

In a world where cities are looking for eco-friendly infrastructure solutions, new bicycle lanes are constantly being added. Seeking to make the bicycle path safer and more accessible in the evening and at night, urban planners in Lidzbark Warminski, Poland just unveiled a new glow-in-the-dark bicycle…

Life in an ad agency shown through stock photos

Stock photos get a lot of hate. And most of time, the annoyance makes sense. We’ve all seen our share of cliché images, and there are lots of weird, creepy ones that leave you wondering who would want to use them. Then you see them thrown in…

Have you seen the dip dye wedding dress trend?

Here comes the bride, all dressed in white… and blue, pink and yellow. If you’re tired of the traditional white gown, then an airbrushed or dip dye wedding dress might be for you.

College student’s photo series protests rapists release

In June of this year, Brock Turner, a former student at Stanford University in California, was sentenced for rape. He received only six months for sexually assaulting an unconscious woman behind a dumpster at a campus party. As you can probably imagine, many people were understandably…

Cyclotron is the world’s first spokeless smart bicycle

Decades after the original Tron hit cinemas, it’s still influencing futuristic designs. The design of this smart bicycle is unmistakably based on Tron’s Light Cycle – namely its two illuminated, spokeless wheels. And if you’re riding the Cyclotron, you’ll probably feel like you’re cruising through a futuristic landscape.