Website design and UX trends for 2017

Trends are known to change in all creative fields, with website design being no different. More than ever before, everything in web design, from imagery to navigation, to content, must serve a purpose.

The weirdest crowdfunding fails

Crowdfunding has created plenty of opportunities for aspiring businesses in recent years. It helps give them an opportunity to introduce exciting new inventions and products. However, it can also be risky. You hand money to internet strangers who give you nothing but a promise in return.

Artist helps friends bar with creative chalk signs

The Spirits Tavern in Dahlonega, Georgia had been seeing a decline in patrons. That’s when owner Sabrina Walker had the idea to recruit local artists to design chalk signs for her business. She managed to get a friend of hers, Ollie Wolff Pruitt, aka littlewolff, to take on the…

PANTONE Colour of the Year 2017 is inspired by nature

Each year, PANTONE experts choose the ‘Colour of the Year’. And they’ve announced their latest selection for 2017 even before the new year rolls around; Greenery 15-0343.

Bathroom spray uses real gold particles to remove odour

If a unicorn farted golden rainbows into a bottle, would you buy it? Even if it’s guaranteed to give you “the best-smelling poop of your life” or your money back? And no, you’re not having a scatological acid trip… but it might be the closest you’ll get.

Funny holiday cards based on popular Twitter topics

After a not-so-great 2016, website Roasted Nuts decided to lighten things up with a collection of testy holiday cards. In an attempt to unite the world, they searched out their favourite Twitter topics and turned them into cards.

Can you tell jewellery from a sex toy? Take the quiz

As jewellery becomes more elegant and sex toys get more creative, it can be hard to tell them apart. So to test your design knowledge, Cosmopolitan has created a quiz to see how well you know your sex toys and jewellery.

Crosswalks transformed into vibrant art in Madrid

Most of us cross the street without looking passed our phones to see what’s on the ground beneath us. The urban infrastructure that people are familiar with can be mundane and uninspiring. Seeing opportunity just under his feet, Bulgarian artist Christo Guelov wondered how crosswalks could become a thing of…

Adobe releases Project Felix: 3D tools for designers

A few months ago, Adobe announced updates to their creative tools. These updates included a Windows version of Adobe XD, and a Photoshop update to take advantage of the Touch Bar in the new MacBook Pro. Along with those updates is a brand new application for…

Art Director comically photobombs stock images

Most Art Directors find that stock images are mundane and feel kind of fake. Unfortunately, we often need to use them to complete our tasks. After viewing thousands of stock images for work, Art Director Matthew Vescovo decided to inject a dose of reality into them by injecting himself.

Move over beard baubles, it’s time to light things up

Forget about adding glitter to your beard or hanging Christmas baubles in there. A new trend has hit the beard scene and it’s about to literally light up this festive season in a big way. 

Add charm to any room with geometric lamps

Tel Aviv-based design studio Sturlesi Design was looking for to offer a unique and authentic approach to ambient lighting. Hence, a collection of decorative, geometrical lamps were created.