Brutally honest parody of makeup ads

YouTube comedy channel Cracked shows us their brutally honest parody of makeup ads.

What if common design terms were taken literally?

For those of us who do understand common design terms, this series of illustrations gives them a literal spin.

Amusing video shows women how to ride bitch

This tongue-in-cheek tutorial video by Director Alex Vivian is your guide to female-on-female motorcycle riding.

RALFH at WestJet wishes you a Happy April Fools’ Day

Yes, it’s April first again. For most of us, it’s the most annoying day of the year, with people (and companies) trying hard to prank each other. In their continuing spirit of the day, WestJet has once again released its annual April Fools’ video. This year…

10 ways people really annoy graphic designers

"Can you make the logo design bigger?" is probably the most heard and most annoying thing you can say.

Start off Monday with humorously illustrated puns

Justine Morrison wanted to give people in the office a laugh on the most dreadful day of the week.

Snickers pokes fun at Photoshop fails in new ads

The back covers of Sports Illustrated's Swimsuit Issue contain humorous Photoshop errors by Snickers.

Witty comic shows how differently ideas are perceived

This witty comic describes the differences between how designers and clients perceive ideas.

The phrases heard in meetings and what they actually mean

At one point during a meeting, I’m sure someone has said something and you weren’t quite sure what the heck they were talking about. They probably used what seems like random phrases or buzzwords to mask what they really mean and sound more intelligent.

Rude greeting cards feature simple, funny illustrations

Conventional cards are meant to convey positive feelings and best wishes for someone you care about. However, these cards by de-motivational speaker Paul Gandhi are anything but conventional.

Deadpool presents a humorous testicular cancer PSA

Over the weekend the movie Deadpool brought in an estimated $150 million at the box office. And although this is the largest opening for a February movie, Ryan Reynolds—while dressed as Deadpool—took the time to talk testicular cancer.

Comics depict the sad, but funny truth about Facebook

The series takes jabs at several features of the dominating platform. Take a look at these surprising accurate and funny situations that you should be familiar with.