The Design Block

If you're looking for the latest in advertising and marketing, design related technology and lifestyle tips, and art or design highlights then you're in the right place. Find all this and more with the Design Block blog.

Is your office suffering from ‘telephonophobia’?

Many people share a fear of phone calls, indicating that telephonophobia is becoming increasingly prevalent - especially in the workplace.

Gen Z’s no longer giving the ‘thumbs-Up’ on these 10 emojis

Gen Z offered up 10 emojis that they would like to see removed and never used again.

Small Business Tip: Expanding Your Online Presence

While all businesses rely on the internet to help promote their products/services, an online presence is a must.

How to use GIFs in emails to boost conversions

Considering the average attention span is 8 seconds, you'll need more than intriguing headlines, straight-to-point offers, and bright CTAs.

Lucrative business ideas for animal lovers

Turns out, there’s a lot of money to be made in the animal business: from veterinarians to pet party planners.

eCommerce and your small business

Since the pandemic hit, many businesses have had to re-evaluate how they marketed their brand.

Is imposter syndrome affecting your earning potential?

Imposter syndrome is that annoying feeling of self-doubt you may feel every time you reach a new level of success.

Burger King offers Harry & Meghan its crown

BK is asking Harry and Meghan to don a different kind of crown — one of the paper variety.

Get paid quicker with these 10 invoicing software solutions

If you're a freelancer, make sure you get paid on time by choosing the right invoicing software for your needs.

5 ways to flip your fear of office arguments

Have you ever been in a disagreement and thought, “This person just doesn’t get it”? It may be true.

How to tell if you’re in a toxic work environment

Find out if you're in a toxic work environment and learn some coping strategies.

How would you like to get paid $6,800 a year to try on slippers?

Thanks to Bedroom Athletics, you can wear slippers while chilling at home — and get paid doing it.

12 fun pet side hustles for pet-preneurs

Did you know that you can make a surprisingly decent amount of supplementary income working with pets?

How to find clients and get noticed

Here are five tips to help you find clients, with some help from industry pros thrown in for good measure.

Handy skills you might need to future-proof your career

By 2030, about 800 million jobs around the world will be replaced by bots. Is your job secure?

Burnout is now a recognized medical condition by the WHO

Creative burnout can happen to all of us, even those who don't consider themselves naturally creative people.

21 places to get free tools and software for your startup

Wikibuy has compiled 21 free startup tools to get an idea of how your business can save on costs.

15 simple LinkedIn profile tips to boost your career

LinkedIn is the key social media network to grow your career and these simple tips can help.

How to negotiate freelance rates like a pro

45% of Canada’s workforce will be freelancing by 2020, so what better time to discover your worth.

12 ways to recover from being laid off

Whether you were caught off guard or saw it coming, you can’t control any aspect of a layoff except for how you handle it.

How to avoid burnout as a small business owner

1 out of 10 businesses fail because of lack of passion, and it’s estimated that negativity costs businesses $3 billion in productivity every year.

The top 10 freelance side gigs to earn some extra cash

Freelance side gigs are one of the best ways to earn some extra cash or stay creative if your day job isn't stimulating you anymore.

For designers on the go, iPad finally gets a full version of Photoshop

Adobe’s premiere image editor, Photoshop remains the industry standard because of how the software can assist photographers and graphic designers in doing their jobs. It is, however, about the get a lot easier for Apple users. This year Adobe is finally bringing Photoshop CC—a fully…

Surviving life as a freelancer

Freelancing can be a great option whether you’re looking for more flexibility or control over your work.

Adobe sued over bug that deleted freelancer’s work

One of the most important things to remember in design is to back-up your work. That being said, sometimes even the those files can be vulnerable to bugs. That’s the case with a freelance videographer who recently filed a class action lawsuit against Adobe.

Scents to help you work

Everywhere you look, it seems that there is a new suggestion or idea on how to increase your productivity and efficiency at work. This isn’t surprising, since cracking the code of how to stay on top of your tasks and truly shine in your work…

How to calculate freelance rates more efficiently

The one question that most freelance designers have trouble answering is, “what is your time really worth?” If you’re a full-time employee at an agency, your salary takes into consideration business costs like healthcare, licensing, taxes, and other business essentials. But when you work for yourself, you’ve…

Watch: How to better present logos and branding to clients

As designers, we know that we need to motivate people through communication. However, sometimes we forget that when it comes to our own work. Great design poorly presented can kill an idea. So how best to present logos and branding to the client to win them…

How to handle different types of difficult customers

If you own your own business or work in sales or marketing, you’ve likely run into a challenging customer at one point or another. While every buyer is different and has unique needs and wants, if you understand a few key types of customers you…

2 colours that research says will make you smarter and more creative

Colour can produce mental and emotional effects on sighted people in all facets of life. Red, blue, yellow and green all relate respectively to the body, mind, and emotions. You may know how to appear smarter in emails or meetings, even ways to be creative. However, scientists…

How to give—and receive—constructive criticism

You may have heard your personal trainer or your local fitness junkie say “no pain, no gain.” Well, unfortunately, that pain and gain relationship also applies to performance reviews. Giving someone negative criticism can be burdensome for even the most experienced manager.

The 4 traits of good vs great designers

There are plenty of bad designers out there, but there are also lots of good ones. A good designer is someone who has an eye for what works and what doesn’t; they’re more than confident with their design skills and can adapt to what’s asked…

How to uncover brilliant ideas when brainstorming

Coming up with smart, fresh new ideas or marketing campaigns isn’t easy. And when your job requires churning them out on a daily basis, it isn’t hard to hit a mental wall. And while brainstorming is essential to your success, learning how to uncover brilliant ideas…

5 tips to attract clients with your LinkedIn profile

When a company is looking to hire you to their team, they often vet you online first. During this cyber investigation, your LinkedIn profile will typically show up in the first three to five results. You now have the opportunity to control what they find about…

10 tips for efficient meetings from successful leaders

Meetings can be a powerful tool to help produce new ideas in insights. Unfortunately, people spend so much time in meetings that it becomes a chore. In fact, most employees often view them as disruptive, inefficient, or downright boring.

15 ways to better manage your time

Have you ever wondered how some people appear to have enough time in a day to do everything that they want to; whereas others often rush from task to task, never seeming to finish anything. Do they just have less to do? No, it’s more…

What to do during downtime at work

Downtime is a rare thing in most workplaces, but there’s a good chance you’ll experience a slow day every once in a while.

Font Map helps designers find relationships between Google Fonts

Typography enthusiasts can identify most fonts by name. However, it’s always useful to explore fonts using visual similarities – in case you wanted to shake things up a bit. Every typeface has its merits; hell, even Comic Sans work as an attention-grabber because it’s so despised. But with…

Illustrated charts visualize what an asshole client is

We all have them: the asshole client. There’s no getting around it; you’re going to encounter them from time to time working in design. And as much as we’d all like to believe that what goes around comes around, the reality is they don’t get what’s…

Why did your great employee quit?

To have success in business, you need to have exceptional employees. However, hiring them is only half the battle. Have you ever had a great employee, and thought, “This is the one!”  They’re smart, engaged, driven, and seemed to really love the job. You can…

In-house designer, freelancer or agency? Who to hire

Does the uncertainty and ever-changing nature of freelancing produce designers with sharper, more adaptable skills? Or does the social, fast-paced, and ordered workflow of an agency create more design superstars? In my nearly 10 years as an Art Director, I’ve seen a few businesses pondering if they should hire…

How to hide the fact you’re having a bad day at work

No matter how positive of a person you are, or how much you love your job, bad days happen to the best of us. You spilled your coffee, got stuck in traffic, or tear your pants. By the time you sit down to start work, you’re…

The top 5 free infographic makers available online

When you have over a billion websites to choose from, along with the distractions of day-to-day life, getting consumers attention, and keeping it, is hard. With a staggering amount of information generated daily, people don’t have time to read an endless page of online content. In fact, most users will leave…

How to spot a cheap logo design and improve it

Whether you know it or not, consumers are able to tell the difference between a good and bad logo. And having a cheap logo design not only reflects badly on your skills as a designer, but on the brand it was created for. Your logo…

What are the work habits of Millennials that form the majority of the workforce?

As more and more Millennials entering the workforce and assume management positions, you may notice changes in workplace culture. Why? Because there are distinct differences between generational work styles, expectations, and career perspectives.

Why you should become a graphic designer

Some people are destined to become a graphic designer. They have a knack for aesthetics, notice the finer details and love to learn new things. So, if you’ve always been deeply interested in graphic design, but are not currently working in the field, this may…

Photoshop cheatsheet for novice graphic designers

While there are plenty of online tutorials available, it’s often difficult for novice graphic designers to know where to start. When opening Photoshop for the first time, it’s easy to look at all the confusing features and buttons. If only there was a Photoshop cheatsheet that could help…

What’s the difference between a font and a typeface?

In today’s digital world, the words font and typeface are often treated similarly. In most instances when people refer to fonts, they really mean typefaces. However, they’re not the same thing.

Snapchat Spectacles may soon play a big role in recruiting talent

If you’ve been avoiding Snapchat, whether personally or professionally, it’s time to start paying attention. It’s a mobile phenomenon which enjoys 100 million users daily, watching 10 billion videos each day. When Snapchat Spectacles were first released, they only seemed to be a playful extension of the…

How Art Directors and Copywriters can avoid annoying each other

If you’ve ever been part of a creative team, you know that partnerships in advertising are not unlike marriage. Once the Art Director and Copywriter pair up, it takes a serious commitment to avoid annoying each other. Deciding to officially tie your careers together means doing…