The Design Block

If you're looking for the latest in advertising and marketing, design related technology and lifestyle tips, and art or design highlights then you're in the right place. Find all this and more with the Design Block blog.

Is your office suffering from ‘telephonophobia’?

Many people share a fear of phone calls, indicating that telephonophobia is becoming increasingly prevalent - especially in the workplace.

LG’s new hi-tech face mask is a personal air purifier

LG's new hi-tech face masks are essentially PuriCare Air Purifiers that can be strapped to your face.

BK personalizes face masks to help you order

Trying to order food while wearing a face mask just got easier thanks to these customized ones by Burger King.

Instagram tackles online bullying with new features for users

As part of its efforts to tackle online bullying, Instagram announced a series of new features to help.

Humorous IKEA step-by-step manual poking fun at hoarders

IKEA is reminding customers to practice social distancing by staying at home at all times.

McDonald’s apologizes for splitting golden arches to portray social distancing

A marketing gimmick for McDonald’s Brazil saw the Golden Arches split apart with the two halves away from each other.

Is imposter syndrome affecting your earning potential?

Imposter syndrome is that annoying feeling of self-doubt you may feel every time you reach a new level of success.

How to tell if you’re in a toxic work environment

Find out if you're in a toxic work environment and learn some coping strategies.

Facebook considers hiding Like counts

Facebook could soon start hiding the Like counter on News Feed posts.

Keep cool on the go with Sony’s wearable air conditioner

About the size of a small wallet, this portable device will keep you cool in the summer and warm in the winter.

Instagram influencers are upset after Likes display is disabled

Instagram's hiding of Likes will allow users to focus on quality as well as what they really want to post.

Burnout is now a recognized medical condition by the WHO

Creative burnout can happen to all of us, even those who don't consider themselves naturally creative people.

Burger King unhappy meals, because not everybody wakes up happy

BK has teamed with Mental Health America to release five unhappy meals called The Real Meal.

An influencer’s nightmare: Instagram experiments with removing likes

Imagine influencers on Instagram when no one but you can see how many followers or likes you have.

German cycling safety campaign being called sexist and stupid

A German ad campaign to get cyclists to wear helmets has sparked accusations of sexism.

Finland offers free trips to teach people happiness

In an effort to promote the wellness and happiness Visit Finland lets you Rent a Finn for a weekend.

Japanese company to 3D-print custom sushi based on diner’s urine

A Japanese company is fusing science and food to create sushi uniquely designed for each diner.

How to avoid burnout as a small business owner

1 out of 10 businesses fail because of lack of passion, and it’s estimated that negativity costs businesses $3 billion in productivity every year.

McDonald’s introduces its first vegan-friendly Happy Meal

One third of McDonald’s UK customers polled said it was important to them to include more meat-free meals.

Scents to help you work

Everywhere you look, it seems that there is a new suggestion or idea on how to increase your productivity and efficiency at work. This isn’t surprising, since cracking the code of how to stay on top of your tasks and truly shine in your work…

Organ donation ad featuring Jesus at the crucifixion sparks controversy

An Australian group has released a new ad to promote organ donation. And as they point out in the ad, organ donation can save lives. However, the number of people who register for organ donation remains relatively low.

Are you visually astute? Take the Pantone Colour IQ Test

Do you have a sharp eye for colour? Now you can find out for sure, because Pantone has launched a Colour IQ Test that allows you to discover your level of colour vision.

How to remain calm and composed under pressure

Regardless of your profession, many people around the world have felt under pressure at one time or another. Yet, somehow great leaders always seem to remain calm during situations that make others fall to pieces.

AI uses wireless technology to sense people through walls

For decades, scientists have been looking to create x-ray vision to see through walls. And, in the past few years, they’ve succeeded; they created technology that uses WiFi to sense people through walls.

2 colours that research says will make you smarter and more creative

Colour can produce mental and emotional effects on sighted people in all facets of life. Red, blue, yellow and green all relate respectively to the body, mind, and emotions. You may know how to appear smarter in emails or meetings, even ways to be creative. However, scientists…

Artist takes inspiration from circuit boards to create futuristic tribal tattoos

Since bursting onto the modern tattoo scene in the early 90s, tribal tattoos have become increasingly popular. Their simple strength and beauty makes them compelling, even to people who otherwise may be into tattoos. The gentle curves and strong angles of these solid black tattoos…

Coat your lips this winter with Pop Tart Lip Balms

Lip balms are important during the winter months as the air tends to be dryer. Therefore it’s essential to keep your lips moisturized. So if you want to kiss your dry lips goodbye, Mad Beauty has the perfect solution.

Heineken-owned craft brewer is making marijuana beer

These days, you can find marijuana infused in everything from bath bombs to pizza. In fact, once Canada finally legalizes it next year, expect to see a lot more edibles on the market here. However, already legal in California, marijuana beer has debuted.

ASICS responsive print ad determines the running shoes you need

Running is one of the easiest sports to jump into, and one of the most popular. But did you know that it’s hard on your body and can lead to serious long-term injuries? In fact, thousands of runners don’t use the proper running shoes for…

How to hide the fact you’re having a bad day at work

No matter how positive of a person you are, or how much you love your job, bad days happen to the best of us. You spilled your coffee, got stuck in traffic, or tear your pants. By the time you sit down to start work, you’re…

Are you trying to conceal your caffeine addiction? Try the world’s first colourless coffee

Are you one of those people who can’t start their day without a cup of coffee? There are many benefits to enjoying a hot cup of joe every morning, including: lowering the risk of Type 2 Diabetes, Alzheimer’s, and MS. However, that constant coffee drinking can lead…

Keep your mouth ‘Whopper Fresh’ with Burger King toothpaste

Do you enjoy the taste of a flame broiled Whopper? What if you could keep that taste in your mouth when you brush your teeth? Burger King France has cooked up a new ‘Whopper Toothpaste‘ with its agency Buzzman. Or at least, that’s what they’d…

Beautiful tattoos that look like watercolour art

Instagram and Pinterest are great sources of inspiration when it comes to ideas for tattoos. This is especially true now, given how contemporary tattoo artists are getting more creative than ever with the medium.

10 desk exercise routines for designers

Being a designer might make it easy to get your creative juices flowing, but it also keeps your body stagnant. It seems like everyone is working longer hours these days, which makes it harder to find the time to exercise. But what if you could actually work…

The unintentional exercises designers do while working

It takes a lot of work to get a chiselled look and rock-hard abs. The way I see it though, who needs a six-pack when you have a keg. That being said, physical activity has a positive impact on brain health.

Dry pool lets you float your workplace worries away

This dry pool allows you to float your worries away without the need to bring a bathing suit to work.

Amusing cancer testi-monials from a pair of testicles

Did you know that testicular cancer is the most prevalent cancer in men aged 15 to 29? Symptoms often appear as the tumour grows and causes changes in the body. The good news is that it’s also among the most treatable when caught early. But don’t just take…

Deadpool presents a humorous testicular cancer PSA

Over the weekend the movie Deadpool brought in an estimated $150 million at the box office. And although this is the largest opening for a February movie, Ryan Reynolds—while dressed as Deadpool—took the time to talk testicular cancer.

Still cooking the same meals? Shake up your routine with Foodie Dice

If traditional cooking leaves you feeling uninspired in the kitchen, these Foodie Dice will help get your creative juices flowing.

Get a scream out of the top designer fears

Design careers have their challenges just like any other profession. And while designers experience fear on some level, the difference between success and failure is how they deal with that fear. With Halloween coming up, Creative Market asked designers to rank the worst of their terrors, depending…

Why you should wear the same thing to work every day

Throughout the work week we’re confronted with thousands of decisions, both big and small; whether its choosing between #0099FF and #3399FF, or deciding to entirely change careers. With every decision you make, you’re using up the finite supply of mental energy allocated to you each day.…

How career choices and your personality type relate

Have you ever wondered if your personality type affects where you land a job or end up in a certain field? Did you know that your personality type can predict how much money you’ll make, how many people you’ll supervise, even if you’ll like your…

Toothpaste campaign shows how a smile changes the story

A simple smile has more power than you might think. No matter where you are in the world, what language you speak, or social status, a smile will always be understood. And this is the focus of a print campaign by toothpaste brand Crest.

Funny and honest food pyramid for different age groups

Everyone is aware that they should be eating a balanced diet filled with fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. In fact, we learned this in elementary school when we were taught the food pyramid.

Bloomberg reveals the deadliest jobs in America

What do you think are the deadliest jobs where you are? Since America introduced the Occupational Safety and Health Act back in 1970, workplace standards have improved. However, while job fatalities have declined by more than 60 percent since then, some jobs remain far more…

Watch how to survive in a free falling elevator

For millions of people, riding in an elevator is an everyday occurrence. And if you’ve ever watched a disaster movie or nervously glanced at a maximum load capacity, you’ve probably wondered what how you’d survive being trapped in a falling elevator.

7 common sleep mistakes you don’t know you’re making

Are you a restless sleeper or do you have trouble sleeping? Common sleep mistakes you’re making might mean you’re not getting enough sleep, which can harm our health; it’s essential if we want to be productive throughout the day.

American Egg Board wants you to wake up to eggs and… Kevin Bacon

In its latest campaign to get Americans to start their day with eggs, the American Egg Board decided to pair eggs with back — Kevin Bacon to be exact. Actor Kevin Bacon has traded off the whole six degrees thing in ads for years, but now…

Clever posters to learn fun facts about your body

Who doesn’t love the cool information featuring weird did you know fun facts about the human body? For instance, the human eye is so sensitive that if the Earth were flat, you could spot a candle flickering at night from up to 30 miles away.

Conquer the hills of Norway with their ingenious bicycle lift

Bicycling up a hill can be a rather vigorous task, especially when your route has plenty of steep slopes. Now, bicyclists in Trondheim, Norway will no longer have to worry about hills. The CycloCable, situated at the Brubakken Hill in Trondheim, is revolutionizing urban transport.